HYUNDAI I20 Right Front Seat Belt 888801J2009 Mk1 2009-2014
You are viewing a HYUNDAI I20 Right Front Seat Belt 888801J2009 Mk1 2009-2014, which fits a Hyundai i20 that comes with a 1 Month warranty. Please contact us if you want to make sure the part is right for your vehicle before making your purchase. This is a Used part.
Vehicles this part fits
Make | Model | Year | Variant | Type | Chassis | Engine |
Hyundai | i20 | 2008 | Petrol Hatch | 1.2 | FWD I PB,PBT | 1248cc 57KW 78HP G4LA |
Hyundai | i20 | 2009 | Petrol Hatch | 1.2 | FWD I PB,PBT | 1248cc 57KW 78HP G4LA |
Hyundai | i20 | 2010 | Petrol Hatch | 1.2 | FWD I PB,PBT | 1248cc 57KW 78HP G4LA |
Hyundai | i20 | 2011 | Petrol Hatch | 1.2 | FWD I PB,PBT | 1248cc 57KW 78HP G4LA |
Hyundai | i20 | 2012 | Petrol Hatch | 1.2 | FWD I PB,PBT | 1248cc 57KW 78HP G4LA |
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