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An integral part of the ABS system, the ABS pump is part of the hydraulic unit and works with the ABS Control Unit ECU and ABS modulator to regulate your car's braking system.

Fundamentally, the ABS pump is part of a vital process which ensures you are able to maintain control of steering, enabling you to brake safely and smoothly by regulating the air pressure in the wheel brakes. The pump plays its part in this process by pumping the pressure released from the brakes back up. When a wheel is likely to lock and skid, air pressure is adjusted in the brake chamber to stop this from happening and the ABS pump ensures this pressure is pumped back up again. 

As with all parts over time, your ABS pump will end up wearing out. It is common for the pump motor to burn out with continued use and you will need to fit a new pump. If your ABS pump isn't working, the ABS warning light will show on the dashboard. The ABS system will automatically stop working if there is a fault with your ABS pump. Though you will be able to continue to use your brakes, you will not be assisted by ABS.