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The Batteries typically used in vehicles powered by combustion engines are known as SLI type. This abbreviation stands for Starting, Lighting, Ignition.

The Battery is usually of a lead-acid type. The battery provides the high power required for the starter motor and also the power for all the electrical systems for a certain period when the engine is not running. When the engine is started and is running the alternator takes over the electrical supply and the battery is recharged.

The battery in most cars with front engines is situated under the bonnet in the engine compartment. On some vehicles the battery is located under the rear passenger seats or sometimes in the boot compartment.

The battery has a relatively uncertain life span. Signs that it needs replacing can be that the starter motor is struggling and not turning at a normal speed. Causes for damage to a battery can be a failing alternator which is causing a failure in fully charging and the battery is being used constantly in the running of the engine and the electrical systems. Allowing the electrolyte fluid levels to drop too low in the cells also damages the battery. Loose connections also cause damage. Leaving lighting and electrical systems running without the engine operating can cause a deep discharge in the battery which can also damage it.