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Although a large number of modern motor vehicles were fitted with airbags in the 1990s, there are still many vehicles on the road that do not have airbags. Whether a particular car has an airbag fitted or not is an important consideration when you are considering purchasing a replacement steering wheel.

Where the car has been fitted with airbags, the one on the driver’s side is contained within the steering wheel. Obviously, this is not the case with a steering wheel without an airbag. If you have a vehicle that did not have an airbag fitted by the manufacturer you may decide to update to one that does incorporate an airbag.

However, if you would prefer to buy a new steering wheel without an airbag there is nothing to prevent you from doing so, as long as there was no airbag fitted originally. If there was, the car may fail its MOT test if you fit a steering wheel without an airbag.

There are a range of choices for a new steering wheel without an airbag, including size, material and colour. You may also choose a new steering wheel that is specifically suited to the make model and year of your vehicle or a spare part steering wheel, manufactured by a third party.