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The airbag system is a crucial part of the car safety system. Having an airbag system can mean the difference between survival and serious injury or death in a crash situation.  The airbag system is a seriously clever and complex piece of kit which is made up of various components, one of the most important being the airbag itself.

Airbags are made out of stretchy material and are housed, usually in airbag covers, compressed tightly beneath this casing. The airbag roof is located in a protective casing in the roof of the car above the person’s head, to protect the person in a crash, particularly in a rollover crash or a high impact frontal crash.

The airbag roof reacts when there is a crash by filling with air at exceptional speed, creating a pillow which bursts out of the airbag cover or panel it is secured behind and into the car, protecting the person sitting inside the car by cushioning the impact of head or upper body with the interior of the car. The airbag will then deflate afterwards. The airbag roof needs to spring into action practically as soon as the crash happens. According to studies, an airbag will activate within 55 milliseconds of impact.  You can see why it is imperative that the airbag system is functioning fully, and that an important component such as the airbag roof is in sound working order for it to be able to respond accurately and do its job properly. The person needs to be seated correctly and wearing a seatbelt for the airbag roof to work properly in a crash and to avoid receiving an injury from the airbag upon inflation.

If there is damage to or a fault with the airbag roof the airbag system warning light will illuminate on the dashboard indicating that there is a problem. Once the airbag system warning light illuminates, the system becomes inactive which means if you have a crash the airbags will not work so it is important to address the problem as soon as possible. If the airbag roof inflates you will need to replace it with a new airbag roof as airbags cannot be reused.