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The lower front bumper's job is to absorb the impact of a crash, offering protection to the car, by minimising damage to the frame and body of the car, as well as internal and external parts.

The lower front bumper also serves to protect the occupants of the car in the event of a crash. By absorbing some of the impact of the collision, the bumper minimizes the force of the crash for driver and passengers. Some lower front bumpers incorporate materials, such as polypropylene foam, designed to soften the blow for pedestrians, if hit by a slow moving car.

The lower front bumper is fixed to the front of the car, low down, enabling it to absorb some of the impact from a head on collision.

Bumpers in modern vehicles are made of a variety of materials, and usually consist of a strong bar made of either fiber glass, steel, rubber, aluminum, thermo glass or plastic with a plastic outer. Some bumpers have an energy absorbing material, such as foam, beneath the outer cover, which absorbs impact.  Bumpers also come in a variety of styles, both dependent on the make and model of your car. Some bumpers house electronic sensors, such as parking sensors, which help the driver to park their car by measuring distance from nearby objects, such as a wall or another car.

If the lower front bumper on your car needs updating due to old age and general wear and tear, or your car has been in a crash and the lower front bumper has sustained damage, you'll want to replace it with a lower front bumper that is an ideal fit for the make and model of your car.