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The door handle is a vital component of the car door, enabling the person to get into the car.

A car door will have both an internal and an external handle. Most car door handles are made of strong plastic or metal. The door handle is an exterior door handle, fixed to the inner door frame with the aid of bolts, which are hidden by the inner door panel.

Door handles work with a pulling and latch mechanism, and are usually attached to this mechanism by screws. The door handle mechanism consists of a latch, a toothed wheel and a rotor which are contained behind the door panel. When the door handle is opened this causes the latch to release. The person can apply pressure to the door handle and, holding on to the handle, pull the door open (aided by the hinged mechanism of the door).  The person can also push the door shut with the help of the door handle. 

There are many different shapes, styles, materials, finishes and colours when it comes to car door handles. Purchasing a door handle will ensure you get the right part, designed to fit the make and model of your vehicle. There are also various car door handle accessories, which, like the door handles, are usually specific to car make and model, and not an option for all, such as a handle guard and handle cover.

If the door handle isn't functioning properly, sticking, jamming or refusing to open, it's a sign that you may need to replace the door handle with one that is compatible with your vehicle.