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bumper end cap drivers fits onto the corner of the bumper, offering protection to the bumper.

A bumper is a vital safety feature on all vehicles and in order for a car to be considered roadworthy, it's a legal requirement to have both front and rear bumpers fitted. The job of the bumper is to absorb the impact of a crash, therefore offering protection to both the car, by minimising damage to the frame and body of the car as well as internal and external parts; and also the passengers and driver travelling inside the car. The bumper is fixed to a bumper bracket, enabling it to absorb some of the impact from collision.

Many car owners choose to smarten up the front and rear bumpers on their car by fitting bumper end caps. Usually made from rubber, the bumper end caps fit onto the corner of each end of the bumper, offering not only a smart look, but also extra protection to the bumper from minor damage such as scrapes, scratches and knocks.

If the bumper end cap drivers needs replacing, it's advisable to buy a new or replacement part that has been manufactured to fit the make, model and year of car. Bear in mind, if it's the bumper end cap on the bumper that needs replacing, you'll need to buy a bumper end cap made to ensure the correct fit for the correct side of the bumper.