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The bumper grille centre is a rigid panel with a grating, basically parallel slits or vents running vertically, or a mesh construction, that covers the centre section of the bumper, allowing air to flow through into the engine compartment and offering some protection to the bottom part of the engine.

The bumper grille centre is fixed to the front of the car, directly on to the front bumper. The bumper grill centre also acts as a filter, stopping dirt, stones and other road debris from entering into the body of the car.

Centre bumper grilles are made from a variety of materials, commonly stainless steel, ABS plastic or aluminium and come in a variety of styles and finishes.

Positioned at the front of the car, the bumper grille centre takes a bit of a pounding on the road over time and can be subject to dents, marks, chips and scratches. It can fall prey to knocks and bumps and prone to damage in a frontal crash.  It is important that you choose the right replacement bumper grille centre for the make, model and year of your car.