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There are over 1 billion vehicles in the world that use an alternative fuel. These fuels are defined as any fuel that you can use in place of petrol, oil or diesel, for example electricity. The alternative ECU fuel is a computerised control unit. It’s the job of the alternative ECU fuel to ensure that the alternative fuel engine is operating correctly. It does this by monitoring the functions of the engine and other vehicle components to make sure that the correct amount of fuel is distributed to perform their tasks.

The control unit also performs various tests on the vehicles sensors to make sure that they are operating correctly. If the alternative ECU fuel finds an error, it will store the data so that it can be referred back to and rectified by the vehicle owner or a reputable mechanic.

A failing ECU can manifest with various symptoms, the most serious of which would be the vehicle failing to start. Drops in fuel efficiency, vehicle jerking, transmission problems or issues in changing gears can also be put down to a faulty ECU as it controls a large amount of processes in the vehicle.