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The catalytic converter is part of your car's exhaust system. The exhaust system has the important job of removing the toxic exhaust fumes produced by the engine from your car. It also functions to enhance engine performance, minimise noise produced when driving, reduce CO2 emissions and improve fuel efficiency.

The catalytic converter sits between the exhaust manifold and the rear exhaust box.

The catalytic converter's job is to change the harmful emissions created in the combustion chamber into water vapour and carbon dioxide. This means the harmful toxins produced in the engine are changed to the less harmless emissions before leaving the car and entering the atmosphere.

The catalytic converter is prone to damage from road debris such as stones, mud, water and can suffer from damage due to overheating. Antifreeze or motor oil getting into the catalytic converter can cause real issues. It is vital to replace the catalytic converter as soon as possible if this happens as it could ruin the whole exhaust system if left and your car's carbon emissions could be higher than is legal or safe. If your car is consuming much more fuel than usual it's a sign that there is a problem with the catalytic converter. If the catalytic converter fails it is important to replace it with one that is compatible with the make and model of your car.