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A vehicle’s heater controls are situated in the dashboard of a vehicle and can be used to adjust the temperature of the heating inside the vehicle. The heater inside the vehicle uses the heat from the engine, which is converted in to hot air and blown in to the vehicle’s passenger compartment.  When heat is built up in the engine, it is transferred to the coolant, which is passed to the exhaust and radiator to protect the engine from overheating. The heater is attached to the radiator.

When the passenger in the vehicle turns the dials on the heater controls the heat from the heater’s core is transferred to the passenger compartment of the vehicle.

It is important to have the proper mix of coolant and water in the system. Coolant has to be at a set level, so it is important to ensure there are no leaks.

If your vehicle’s heating system is not working properly it is important to get it checked as soon as possible. If the heating system is not working, it is possible that your vehicle’s engine cooling system is also not working. This can be a very serious for the wellbeing of your vehicle’s engine.