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A cars radiator is a central part of the engines cooling system. Responsible for removal of heat from the engine coolant, the radiator system cools the liquid by allowing fresh external air to pass over a network of thin pipes, losing heat to the atmosphere.

Driven by the water pump the coolant circulates around the cooling system travelling through the engine and out via hoses or pipes to the radiator. The radiator acts as a heat exchange removing unwanted heat from the coolant before passing it back to the engine where it then runs back around the system.

The radiator bottom hose connects the lower part of the radiator to the engine block or water pump and is responsible for returning the cooled ‘coolant’ to the engine. The bottom hose is generally a rubber or silicone hose although may also have a metal section.

The radiator bottom hose can usually be seen inside the engine bay from above or below.

Due to the extremes in temperature and exposure to road grime and debris the radiator bottom hose is prone to perishing over time. If fitment of a new bottom hose is necessary, it’s essential that any coolant loss is replaced.