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Tie rods are an integral part of a motor vehicle’s steering system. The tie rod component bears the responsibility for connecting the steering system to the vehicle’s wheels on either side of the vehicle and are pivotal in the operation of the vehicle’s steering.

In a typical steering system a rack and pinion gear set is enclosed within a metal tube. Each end of the rack protrudes from the ends of the tube. Both ends of the steering rack are connected to a rod, known as a tie rod and the one on the of the vehicle is known as the tie rod. When the pinion, which is linked to the steering column, responds to the turning of the steering wheel it rotates, which has the effect of moving the steering rack from side to side. The tie rods on either side of the steering rack connect to spindles on the car wheels. The transverse movement of the rack thereby causes the wheels to turn right and left according to the direction in which the vehicle is being steered. If the steering wheel is turned to the right the tied rod will force the offside wheel to turn.

tie rods are liable to bend, warp or break if the vehicle hits a kerb or a pothole and this type of tie rod damage would render the car incapacitated and necessitate replacement.