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A tyre is circular in shape and made up of a core of wires and cords, surrounded by an outer rubber tread which is infalted with compressed air. The tyre x1 provides you with a single tyre designed specifically to fit the make and model of your car.

The tyre x1 fits on to the wheel rim of the wheel, covering and protecting the rim, while providing a vital cushioned structure to make contact with the surface of the road. The tyres are a crucial part of your car. Fitting the right tyres onto the right wheels for your car is important; they play a big part in how safe the car is while moving and how well the car handles on the road, affecting the performance and general efficiency of the car. A good tyre will provide a good grip; smooth balance; produce minimal road noise; perform well on the road surface, handling well in both dry and wet conditions; disperse water with ease; have a good rolling resistance which assists with overall fuel efficiency; be able to stop the car quickly and safely when the brakes are applied; and ultimately ensure a safe drive.

There are many different types and sizes of tyres. It's vital that the tyres on your car are of good quality, in excellent condition, with no defects, and a correct fit to the wheel rim for safety reasons and for your car to be considered fit for purpose and legally road worthy.The tyres you fit on a vehicle should all be compatible to ensure the tyres perform uniformly and safely, and inflated to the  car and tyre manufacturer's specified safe level and the tread should be of a certain depth in order to be considered road worthy. Advice can be found in the manual handbook on all  the requirements relating to the tyres on your specific vehicle. Fitting a tyre x1 will ensure the ideal and safe fit for the make and model of your car. 

Tyres will gradually wear and need replacing due to old age. This can be exacerbated by incorrect tyre pressure; misaligned tyres; punctured tyres; and harsh braking. Driving with worn, damaged, or ill fitting tyres is dangerous for both yourself and other road users and can also invalidate your car insurance. Replacing the damaged or worn tyre on your vehicle, ensuring it's compatible with the other wheels on the car, will provide peace of mind. Buying a new tyre x1 is the perfect fit for the make and model of your car.