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Locking wheel nuts are a special type of nut that securely locks the wheels to the vehicle which helps prevent them from being stolen. Wheel nuts function to make sure the wheels on the car stay firmly in place so are an important safety and security feature. This set provides you with locking wheel nuts for all of the wheels on your vehicle.

The wheels are fixed onto the bolts or wheel studs on the axle of the car and can be locked into place with the locking wheel nut set. The locking wheel nuts are designed with a threaded hole which matches the bolt it's locking onto, enabling a secure and firm lock.  Locking wheel nuts are very hard to remove without the correct key, so they are a good deterrent for would be thieves.  

There are many different types of locking wheel nuts available; they come in different sizes and styles and can be made from alloy or steel and have different specifications. It's important you buy the right locking wheel nuts for your vehicle that will fit your wheels properly. Though usually slightly more expensive than ordinary nuts, locking wheel nuts provide you with peace of mind, knowing the wheels and tyres on your car are secured.

Locking wheel nuts can corrode over time due to exposure to the elements. When replacing the wheel nuts on your vehicle it's important to get a part that will fit correctly and be compatible with the wheels on your car. Ill fitting locking wheel nuts could lead to the wheels coming loose or becoming vulnerable to theft. Buying the locking wheel nut set will guarantee you get a part that is ideal for the make and model of your vehicle. Getting the right locking wheel nuts for your vehicle means they will perform safely and properly and will last longer.