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The wheels are, of course, a crucial part of the car. Choosing the right wheels for a vehicle is important; they play a big part in how well the car handles on the road, affecting the performance and general efficiency of the car. Should you get a flat tyre or other wheel problems whilst driving, having a spare wheel ready and waiting can be a life saver.

Usually made of steel, wheels are often made of alloy also, and are built to be strong and durable. The wheels have an important job in providing a housing, the structure in which the tyres fit.

The spare wheel will usually be kept in the boot of the car, in the spare wheel well, concealed out of the way so as not to disrupt luggage space, enabling you to change a tyre when on the go should you need to, provided the spare wheel is kept with a tyre, fully inflated, and is in good working condition. The spare wheel should be the same as the other wheels on the car as should the tyres, to provide optimum performance and safety while driving.

Once you have had to use the spare wheel, you will need to replace it with another spare wheel.  It is a good idea to always have a spare wheel ready in your car to avoid being caught out. Wheels receive a lot of wear and tear on the roads and regular cleaning helps to increase their lifespan and look. When purchasing just a spare wheel for your car, ensure it matches the other wheels on your car, that it is the right size for both the tyre and the car (using the wrong size wheel and tyre can cause damage to the car) and that it is compatible with the make and model and year of your car.