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The wheels are a crucial part of the car. Choosing the right wheels for a vehicle is important; they play a big part in how well the car handles on the road, affecting the performance and general efficiency of the car.

The steel wheel is composed of a solid inner welded on to an outer rim. The steel wheel is a popular choice as its tough, durable and built to last. This makes the steel wheel very attractive to many car owners as opposed to alloy wheel. Although lighter alloy are not as strong as steel and alloy wheels are more expensive to buy than steel. Steel wheels are heavier and don't perform as well as alloy wheels in terms of fuel efficiency and acceleration. A car with steel wheels tends to be less sprightly, however, the heavy weight can help in certain driving conditions, such as ice and snow, making the car easier to handle on the road.

It's important to get the correct size steel wheel for the make and model of your car. The diameter of the wheel rim can range from 13-20" and the width of the wheel rim ranges from 4-14". The bigger the wheel, the heavier the weight. It's crucial that you don't exceed the load capacity for your car, so it's critical that the weight of the wheels is within these safe limits. The steel wheel will have the load capacity stamped clearly on it to enable you to be confident you don't exceed the overall load capacity for your car. If the steel wheel has a width that's too small for the car, the overall performance and handling will be affected and it could cause damage to the tyre and wheel. Steel wheels come in a variety of finishes to suit individual tastes including painted, chromed, polished or machined. Steel wheels come in a variety of bolt patterns also which is another consideration when replacing a steel wheel on your car.

The steel wheel is solid and strong and therefore difficult to bend or crack so the steel wheel tends to receive less damage from knocks and bumps than an alloy wheel might. Avoiding the kerb when parking, however, is always advisable; The majority of wheel damage, be it alloy or steel, is caused by bashing and scraping the wheel rim on the kerb. Bad road surfaces such as pot holes can also be the culprit when it comes to damaging the steel wheel. In addition to dents and scratches when untreated steel comes into contact with water it will rust. It's inevitable, therefore, that over time the steel wheel will corrode. Due to the amount of wear and tear a wheel receives on the road from adverse weather conditions, debris such as stones, mud, water, dents, knocks and scratches, the steel wheel will eventually need replacing. If purchasing just one steel wheel ensure it matches the other three wheels on your car and that it's the right size for both the tyre and the car - as using the wrong size wheel and tyre can cause damage to the car - and that it's compatible with the make and model of your car.