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The wheel jack is an essential component of your vehicle tool kit.

The wheel jack is a useful apparatus designed as a lifting device. The wheel jack is positioned on the ground beneath the vehicle and attached to jack points on the chassis. It functions to lift and prop up the vehicle to enable repairs to be carried out, such as changing a tyre or carrying out undercarriage work safely.  A jack can be either mechanical, which requires more strenuous effort but gets the same result, electric or hydraulic. The jack is the necessary equipment to lift the vehicle safely, properly and with ease. The jack should be the right type for your vehicle, so buying a jack will ensure it can carry and lift the weight of the specific make and model of your car. Normally there are four jack points, one behind each front wheel and one in front of each of the rear wheels. It's important to jack the vehicle up using these points to ensure this process is carried out correctly and safely.

The wheel jack is often stored in the boot of the vehicle so it can be easily found in case of an emergency. This is usually the location of the spare wheel in many cars, and where drivers choose to keep the wheel brace, so it makes sense to keep these components together. 

Car owners often choose to buy the wheel jack to replace a part that has been lost, borrowed, misplaced or stolen. Buying the wheel jack will guarantee you get a part that is ideally suited to working with your vehicle, specifically designed for the make and model of your vehicle.