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There are areas of the road, behind the car and to the sides, which are crucial for the driver to be able to see, in order to drive safely, which are out of the driver's peripheral vision. The manual wing mirror is an exterior mirror which enables the driver to see these 'blind spots' enabling clear vision of any traffic nearby and any potential hazards, and as such is an important visual aid and safety feature.

The manual wing mirror is usually mounted in the door pillar on the side of the door.

The manual wing mirror can be adjusted by hand to move vertically, horizontally and diagonally. The manual wing mirror can be adjusted to suit the height, line of sight and seat position of the driver.

The manual wing mirror can be folded in close to the car to avoid damage when parked.

Broken, smashed and chipped mirrors will, of course, need replacing and naturally over a period of general use the manual wing mirror will suffer from general wear and need replacing with one that is compatible with the model and make of your car.