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The bonnet is a rigid cover, which is fixed with bonnet hinges attached with bolts, that protects and allows access to the engine compartment.

The bonnet is a crucial part of the car body, for beneath it is housed some of the most important components a car needs in order to run. The bonnet is made up of an outer panel which is designed to be smooth and streamlined, and an inner panel which is strong and offers protection to the engine beneath.

The bonnet hinges are attached to the bonnet, allowing the bonnet to be fixed to the frame at the front of the car, mounted at the corner of the inner wings, and with the action of the bonnet hinges, the bonnet opens outwards.

If the bonnet hinges on your car seize up due to rust, the pin in the pivot joints will break. If there is a rattling sound coming from the bonnet, it's worth checking the bonnet hinges as loose hinges can cause vibrating and shaking. If the bonnet is not aligned properly with the car frame or the bonnet is difficult to close or open, it could be a problem with the bonnet hinges. If the bonnet hinges are seized up or damaged in any way, they will stop working properly and affect the bonnet opening mechanism. When replacing the bonnet hinges, buying bonnet hinges will ensure they can be mounted correctly and fit the bonnet of your car perfectly, being compatible with car make and model.