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The boot shelf is the removable platform that is situated behind the rear passenger seats in hatchback and estate car vehicles. The boot shelf serves the dual purpose of providing a shelf and a cover for items stored in the boot area / luggage compartment.

Depending on the make and model the shelf may consist of one rigid piece, or a part-rigid and part-roller blind type. The roller blind unit is positioned just behind the passenger seats and the cover pulls out of the roller towards the rear and is secured in slots inside the rear door.  

They may be finished in upholstery or in plastic, matching the rest of the vehicle's interior. Some may have detachable cords that lift the shelf when the rear door is opened. When required the whole unit can be detached and stored to enable flat folding of the rear passenger seats. 

As they are detachable the units are susceptible to damage during detachment and storage, and as they are constructed mainly of plastic they can split and crack. Replacing this part with the boot shelf will ensure perfect compatibility with the make and model of your vehicle.