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The engine under tray performs several important functions that help to ensure the engine of the car is able to perform properly.

The engine under tray is usually manufactured from plastics and positioned underneath the engine, shielding the underside of the radiator.

The engine under tray assists with directing and smoothing airflow beneath the car, helping with the overall aerodynamics of the car, reducing drag and front end lift, and increasing fuel economy. It also functions to prevent road dust, dirt and debris from entering the engine compartment. The engine under tray also helps to keep the radiator, engine and exhaust components cool by helping to guide and channel the hot air away from these areas. The reduction of noise and engine vibration is in part down to the engine under tray and having a fully functioning engine under tray is essential in order to meet noise emission regulations.

If the engine under tray breaks, splits, cracks or comes loose it won't function properly. When replacing the engine under tray ensuring you fit a part that's compatible is vital. The engine under tray is designed specifically for the make and model of your vehicle.