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The engine is the power machine of a car, literally converting energy, in the form of fuel, into movement, and is known as an internal combustion engine. The engine is made up of several components that all work together to enable combustion to occur and in turn the car to move. Part of the fuel pump assembly is the fuel pump housing. The fuel pump housing is a protective housing that contains and shields the fuel pump. The fuel pump functions to pump fuel from the fuel tank into the cylinders of the engine. It's usually an electronic device which delivers fuel under high pressure to meet the demands of the fuel injection engine. Working in conjunction with a computerised control unit, the fuel pump pumps the fuel into the engine while ensuring the correct level of pressure is applied to inject the right amount of fuel into the engine at the right time.

Mechanical pumps are usually located outside the fuel tank, mounted inside a special housing which connects to the fuel tank. Most modern vehicles have fuel injected engines which use an electric fuel pump which is normally situated within the fuel tank. The fuel pump housing is usually a plastic casing, cylindrical in shape, that encloses the fuel pump and motor. Usually the housing is encased in a spring-mounted frame which keeps it secured to the fuel tank.

The entire fuel pump assembly should be in excellent condition and working well for the fuel system to function effectively. Ensuring the right amount of fuel is pumped into the engine at the right time is crucial in order for optimum combustion to take place. If there is a fault with the fuel pump housing this can affect the proper functioning of the fuel pump. The entire fuel pump assembly is built to withstand wear and tear and exposure to abrasive elements but will eventually require replacement parts. Broken or cracked fuel pump housing should be replaced as soon as possible. Exclusively designed for the make and mode of your vehicle, the fuel pump housing is the perfect replacement part.