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The torque converter is a fluid coupling that is bolted to the flywheel of the engine and uses fins to turn at the same speed as the flywheel. Its job is to allow the engine to spin independently of the transmission. The torque converter consists of four parts. These are the centrifugal pump, the turbine, the stator and transmission fluid. The turbine is the part nearest to the flywheel. The stator is next to this and controls the transmission fluid to retain as much as possible. The pump is positioned on the other side of the stator. As the pump spins, the transmission fluid inside the torque converter is forced to the outside of the converter. This fluid creates a vacuum and travels through the turbine which causes the transmission to rotate and moves the vehicle.

Signs that the torque converter is damaged can include a clicking noise when the transmission is engaged, which is caused by a damaged gear. You may also have issues in moving from one gear to the other. The vehicle may also jump in to gear, which can be caused by a poor flow of transmission fluid.