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The front headlight is operated by the driver from inside the vehicle, by a control located close to or on the steering wheel of the car.

Low beam light, often referred to as dipped headlights, is angled to provide a low beam of light on the surface of the road, which helps the driver of the car to see. Dipped headlights are generally applied when driving in the dark, enabling the driver of the car to see the road ahead, whilst, along with the sidelights, also enabling the car to be seen by other vehicles and pedestrians. Dipped headlights are also used in the day in poor weather conditions, such as snow, fog and heavy rain, where visibility is significantly affected. Full beam light, often referred to as main beam, provides a full beam of light onto the road ahead, providing the driver with greater visibility.  Because of the way full beam light is angled, however, when facing oncoming traffic, or following vehicles, motorists should always swap to dipped headlights to avoid dazzling other drivers on the road. Main beam headlights can be applied when it is dark, on a road which does not have streetlamps and on dual carriage ways and motorways.

The front headlight is a safety feature that needs to be kept in good working order.  Understandably, it's a legal requirement to have fully functioning headlights in order for a vehicle to be considered roadworthy. A blown bulb or faulty headlight can have serious safety implications, particularly if the headlight is not functioning when driving in the dark. Regular maintenance checks and cleaning of the front headlight will help it to perform better and last longer. The front headlight will over time be subject to general wear and tear and if damaged by grit and other road debris, the lens of the headlight can crack, for example, allowing water in which will cause the lens to deteriorate.  If you need to replace the front headlight, ensure you get the right fit, purchase a headlight, which will be compatible with the make and model of your car.