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Seatbelt anchors are where the seatbelt system is connected to the main vehicle frame. There are three seatbelt anchor points in a normal seatbelt system, one where the seatbelt reel is situated at the bottom of the door column, one at the top of the door column where the chest or upper body section of the seatbelt is suspended from, and one that accepts the seatbelt buckle with both chest and lap sections of the seatbelt attached.

The front anchor is to the left/right of the seat and is bolted to the floor or centre column by means of anchor-plates and bolts. The use of steel anchor plates ensures that the bolts will not shear off or pull through the floor if the belt comes under load.  The correct positioning of seatbelt anchor points is necessary for a vehicle to pass an MOT. Attached to the anchor point is a mechanism which will receive the seatbelt buckle and lock it into place securely.

To undo the seatbelt press down on the button or switch on the seatbelt anchor mechanism which will automatically release the seatbelt buckle.