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Browse Local Car Breakers & Scrap Yards for Parts

We’re guessing you’re on this page for a spare van or car part (or because you want to scrap your van/car for money). Well, our UK network of van and car breaker’s yards is the place for you.

Our Car and Van Breakers is one of the leading worldwide van and car parts suppliers. Our trusted van and car breaker’s yards offer discount deals on new and used van/car parts.

Some of the van and car breaker’s yards on this list are approved (you’ll be able to see which ones). Our trusted van and car breaker’s yards only sell genuine OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts. And they test every part before it’s sent to you. Our van and car breakers are on hand to help you find that tricky part, or buy your vehicle today. (Although scrap yards used to be able to buy your vehicle for cash, that’s now illegal in England and Wales. Instead of being able to scrap your van/car for cash, you must be paid by bank transfer or cheque instead.)

Use our PartFinder to get quotes on the part you need or pop in your postcode below/choose an area from the list to find your local car dismantlers with our complete UK van and car breaker’s yard directory. You can call them, or ask them to call you. Either way, expect an expert (possibly with protective clothes covered in engine oil). 

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