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The wheel arch spat is a side cover for the wheel arch.

Bolted or fixed with clips to the wing of the car, the wheel arch arches above the wheel and can be covered with a wheel arch spat, which covers the upper part of the wheel and tyre, and in some cases hides the entire wheel.

The wheel arch functions to provide a space which houses the wheel, keeping the wheel within the body of the car. Offering protection to the wheel arch, the wheel arch spat helps it to function as a protective barrier, stopping mud, stones and other debris from the road flying up and hitting the car. The wheel arch spat also gives a sleek look to the exterior of the car. Wheel arch spats are often chosen by car owners to enhance the car's appearance and styling. It offers additional protection from minor damage such as scrapes and dings and also adds detail or accents to the car's styling.

Exposed to all weather conditions and damage from stones and other road debris, the wheel arch spat will deteriorate eventually. Damage can occur if impacted in a crash and a replacement wheel arch spat will need to be fitted.  Wheel arches come in a variety of designs and are specific to car make and model, so it's important to buy a wheel arch spat that's compatible with the make, model and year of your car. When you buy a good quality replacement wheel arch spat you can be certain you'll have a part that fits your car properly and will perform well.