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Save Money on Mini Spares can help you to find new, reconditioned and used Mini parts from breakers across the UK. Use our simple Find a Part box in the link below to search our nationwide network of independent breakers for the Mini spares you need. 

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Used Mini car parts

Should you need any advice on finding Mini spares, please contact our parts helpline number for assistance.

Mini engines and gearboxes

We sell Mini engines and Mini gearboxes at truly incredible online discounts. These can all be found with us online now!! Please start by entering your vehicle details on the link above.

Our Mini part delivery information and times

For a speedy Mini car part delivery our Mini suppliers will aim to deliver next day. Please be aware larger or heavier Mini parts may take longer. All the Mini parts we stock through our system are 100% guaranteed. Our Mini suppliers offer anything from 3 month guarantees right up to 2 years on all parts.

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History of Mini cars

The Mini is an icon of British motoring. The original Mini was produced from 1959 to 2000 and is known throughout the world. In 1999, the Mini was voted the second most influential car of the 20th century behind the Ford Model T. Originally marketed as the Austin Seven and Morris Mini-Minor, the Mini wasn’t sold as a marque in its own right until 1969. It was then brought back under the Austin umbrella, marketed as the Austin Mini from 1980 and the Rover Mini from 1988. Since 1994, the Mini marque has been owned by BMW with the first new generation Mini launched in 2001.