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Save Money on Kia Spares

If you’re looking to buy Kia Parts online then you’ve come to the right place. You can buy Kia car parts through now. Alternatively, we can get back to you with quotes from numerous independent breakers within our network. Each breaker offers high-quality Kia spares that have been fully tested. You can expect a guarantee for a minimum of one month. 

Start your search by selecting your model from the list below: (or clicking on this link here)

Used Kia car parts

Should you need any advice on finding Kia spares, please contact our parts helpline number for assistance.

Kia engines and gearboxes

We sell Kia engines and Kia gearboxes at truly incredible online discounts. These can all be found with us online now!! Please start by entering your vehicle details.

Our Kia part delivery information and times

For a speedy Kia car part delivery our Kia suppliers will aim to deliver next day. Please be aware larger or heavier Kia parts may take longer. All the Kia parts we stock through our system are 100% guaranteed. Our Kia suppliers offer anything from 3 month guarantees right up to 2 years on all parts.

Sell your parts by clicking on this link here.

History of Kia cars

In 1944, Kia was the second largest automobile manufacturer in South Korea. Based in Seoul, Kia is known for giving increased attention to the European automobile market, producing some very popular models in the EU. This includes the efficient Picanto and Rio vehicles. Although Kia isn’t the largest manufacturer in South Korea it is regarded as the oldest and most enduring one. In the UK, Kia has won multiple awards for its cars including Which? 2012 Best Car Manufacturer of the Year.