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Save Money on Peugeot Spares

Working with independent breakers throughout the United Kingdom, is one of the top Peugeot parts suppliers in the country. You can find new, used and reconditioned Peugeot parts online, available to buy now through our site. Expect to receive high quality parts that offer excellent value for money. Each breaker thoroughly checks each part, giving you a minimum of one month’s guarantee. 

Start your search by selecting your model from the list below: (or clicking on this link here)

Used Peugeot parts

Our UK online Peugeot parts warehouses are stocked full of used Peugeot parts and all come with a guarantee. We have a whole range of engines and gearboxes. Search our part finding service now, and join many other very satisfied customers who also have saved lots of money.

Millions of Peugeot spares ready to go

We provide a fabulous search and find service for all Peugeot models or any other French makes of vehicle. We have literally millions of Peugeot spares ready to be dispatched matching your request. Take advantage of unbelievable discounts, in some cases even saving you up to 85% off the Peugeot main dealerships. We also have the largest UK backed up network of Peugeot car breakers, meaning we can always provide you with the Peugeot discount part you're looking for at the cheapest price. We also offer deals for all makes on interior and exterior parts as well. You can be sure you will not find any other Peugeot supplier cheaper than us in the UK! All the main suppliers are logged onto our system now. We are the official site for all breakers yards and auto recycling outlets.

Part delivery information and times

The suppliers in our network will deliver the parts to you on the delivery date agreed at the point of purchase. We also have suppliers who are happy to ship parts worldwide and have a fast international delivery service. Please be aware that delivery prices may fluctuate for international destinations.

Select your Peugeot model and request the part from our stock lists now!

For more helpful information, please visit the Peugeot Website.

History of  Peugeot cars

Since being founded as a car manufacturer in 1882, Peugeot has established itself as one of the best motoring producers in the industry. Having designed hundreds of high quality vehicles and produced many reliable parts, including gearboxes, Peugeot has built a strong image that accurately represents the quality that it has become so well known for. Mr. Peugeot started manufacturing bicycles and tricycles and in 1889 exhibited a tricycle powered by steam at the World Exhibition in Paris. During 1890 they moved from steam power to petrol and were one of the first pioneers of the Automobile. That's why there are myriads of spares in the UK today ready for sale with us. Warranty Direct ranks Peugeot 14th out of a total listed 41 brands, based on reliability.